This is a  60 minute piece that innovatively combines contemporary dance, text, and video. The piece explores the consequences of personal choice, explored through the interlocking stories of three characters living through particularly consequential moments of their lives.  One is the little known story of real-life German artist  Fridl Blumenthal who taught art to children in the Terezin Ghetto. The second story is about Euphrosinia Kersnovskaya – a Russian aristocrat and artist who spent 12 years in the Gulag. The third story is the fictional contemporary life of a dancer who took the decision to move to West in order to try and grow as an artist. The piece is not about a terrible and cruel time, rather it is about these three individual lives – how choices are made and how the history is refracted through these three women.
How do we make our decisions?
What drives us in making decisions? 
or circumstances?
Making a journey through memories and dreams, she lives her last day before leaving her country still trying to understand
what if she leaves
what if she stays
what if…



14 May 2024, Camden People's Theatre, London